14 July 2019

Kernel Panic P(cc)^2 July Meeting

by Will Wheatley-Uhl

What to expect at July’s Meeting!

l33t H4x0Rz 0nLy!

The time has come once more, for PCC's most 1337 club to meet! Our meeting location this month will be in room 216 of Sylvania's TCB building.

“What kinds of events can I expect to transpire at this meeting?”, you ask? Well, here are some of the planned topics of conversation:


    P(CC)^2 Members were given an opportunity to attend OSCON this year, and we'll have lots to discuss! What talks were seen, who we met, and hopefully what we learned! This was a wonderful opportunity for our Club Members to Network with FOSS professionals, so we'll be sure to fill everyone in!


    As discussed in previous meetings, the best way for aspiring Security Professionals to test tactics, techniques, and procedures is to do so in an environment that is isolated from production equipment and public networks. Will will go over the basics of Virtualization, and how it can play a role in Pen-Testing Practice! Bring a Laptop to the meeting if you want to participate with the demo. Those in the know should already have a working Hypervisor installed on this machine.


    In this demonstration, Club VP Paul Hochstetler will be demonstrating basic methodologies for accessing WPA2 Wi-Fi networks without first having the password. How do hackers get access to unprotected Wireless Infrastructure? This Lab should give you a foundation for basic Wireless Network Exploitation, and how it applies in the NCL.

tags: OSCON - WIFI - PASSWORDS - 1337